Friday, April 16, 2010

Yesterday, All of My Troubles Seemed So Far Away...

Not really, I just like the song. Yesterday was the deadline for the MA students to turn in their thesis. Four of them managed to get it done. One, I had completely forgotten about, because that angel finished it last semester. She worked like a trooper with plans on finishing up, but the university has a policy of both theses from the two different departments having to be turned in at the same time. Students on the old program had to have two majors. 

The three who were running for the finish line yesterday, worked diligently, albeit at the last moments. One had the audacity to write me that "I just have not been able to motivate myself to write my thesis after returning from the U.S., but I guess I had better get a move on it." This was just three weeks ago. My knee-jerk response was to reply "I just have not been able to get myself motivated to read and make suggestions for your thesis. However, I did not. I knew he would turn one in whether or not I threatened to sign off on it; therefore, eventually, it is my name and reputation contiguously with his, putting them both on the line.

One of the others e-mailed me at the hour of doom to say that he had a dream that he forgot to include a citation for a quotation. When he checked he had, and missed two others besides giving instant cause for a failure if caught. He was getting his thesis bound at the 11th hour, but managed to turn it in on time.
Now, I can return to the world of creative writing stories for those students' papers have been neglected for the last two weeks. Just enough time to catch up before reading the doctoral dissertation for the committee I was volunteered to be on and before we pull the curtain on the end of the semester, there are always the BA student theses to finish up. There is something to be said for being a physical education or art teacher.

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