Yesterday, I went for my eye surgery. I was not the least bit nervous until they gave me the release form to sign; that put me on edge a bit. However, after weeks of researching this surgery and hearing from others who had it, I felt more confident than if I had not prepared.
Once again, they did an eye exam with two of the three computerized machines that they had done the day before. The doctor did a physical eye exam with the chart and various Rx lenses to read from, just as she had done the day before.
I was send out to the waiting room and given a Xanax to keep me relaxed. This is standard operating procedure, if you will pardon the pun.
After a half hour or waiting presumably for the pill to kick in, I was taken back to surgery. Given shoe coverings, a gown, and a cap to wear over my hair, I was ready. In the operating room, there was the surgeon, an electronic engineer for the laser, and an aid. The doctor explained the procedure again.
I had to relax on a cushioned table. The doctor put what seemed like a monocle in my right eye, but it must have been without an isert as the laser presses directly on the eyeball. There is an orange light and your eye is supposed to follow its movements, but toward then end, there is a bright white flash like a sun exploding. This took all of two minutes.
From here, I was taken to another table. They put a mask over my face, but the circular disk went back in my eye. A second laser went to work, creating colorful visions of old-fashioned tie dye t-shirt designs of red, blue, green, and yellow, continually changing the patterns as it went through its paces. Toward the end, the designs changed to something quite different. If you have ever put eye drips in your eye, as they are falling from the bottle, it looks like you can see the molecular structure of each drop. If you can picture this, in red and white, then blue and white, you will have an idea of what I was seeing. This process took three minutes and it was all over.
The doctor gave me instructions on how ot administer the two different eye drops prescribed. Two drops every hour until bedtime and then start again immediately after waking up. I could not sleep on my stomach or on the right side for fear of the pillow hitting my eye.
When I came out, Dr. Simor was there to take me home again. Although I could see out of my left eye, without glasses or contacts, it was negligible. The right eye was quite blurry, which I was told before hand would be the case. It was like looking through thin milk glass, which is what I am guessing cataracts are like.
The instructions included taking a nap as soon as I made it home. You don't need to beat me over the head to take a nap. Two hours later, drops in, my vision was clearing, but still not enough to play cards with our guests.
There was no pain involved, but for the first four hours when awake, it felt like I had an eyelash under my eye. By evening, it was gone.
This morning, my vision is clearer than last night, but it will take three weeks to three months for it to become the best it will be. Other than having to look at the computer screen a little closer than normal, less than 24 hours later, I am able to be functional without assistance. Today, I return for a follow-up check=up.
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