Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Look Who I Ran Into

Today was a busy day with a private lesson followed by someone who needed a session of life coaching. After that I ran to a medical appointment. The day was mentally tiring if no physically, so I treated myself by going to Govinda's for dinner. It has been quite some time since I was there last, but I really like the Hare Krishna menu items. With a tray filled with visually appealing colors, I was ready to dig into a flavor-fest treat. It was so much better than I had even remembered. Can I say I was in heaven in a Hindu restaurant? 

On my way home, I walked different circuit, which of course had me turned around, but I knew the direction was ultimately correct and I would appear somewhere familiar eventually.  What threw me off was a fountain at one end of Szabadság tér that I don't recall ever being there before. It is possible it has been there, but no turned on when I have been around there in the past. 

Walking through the park, with the US Embassy on one side surrounding by fencing, I turned left, reading the news on my Samsung Galaxy phone and look who I ran into. Registered Americans did receive a notice about the unveiling of the statue, but I as well as all of the others I knew purposefully chose not to join the festivities. The saving grace is that the likeness is not perfect and they had the good sense not to put him on a pedestal. Had he been elevated, there may have been a repeat of what happened with the Stalin statue in Budapest history; Ronnie Reagan comes tumbling down, tumbling down...

A young couple of tourists, caught me shooting hm with my phone, so they asked me if I could take a picture of them with "The President". I tried my best to discourage them, but they were insistent, so I did. C'est la vie.  

To cleanse my mental palate, I remembered there was a fabulous building nearby that had architecture that I really loved, so I snapped a couple of shots with my phone.

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