Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Are you are a chocolate lover? In my entire life I have only met two people who did not like chocolate at all or were allergic. For the rest of us, what I am able to share with you could change your waist line forever. Chocomize will change the way you eat chocolate forever more, because you can really have it your way any way that happens to be. 

Start with dark, milk, or white chocolate. Then you can add up to 5 ingredients from such categories as Nuts & Seeds, Fruits, Herbs & Spices, Candy (kind of overkill), Decoration (special events), and Other. With over 100 choices, the combinations are endless. For starters, I want milk chocolate with roasted peanuts and hot curry powder. For later, I would like a white chocolate bar with lavender. For me, too many ingredients would spoil any one flavor. All this goodness shipped right to your door. What more could one ask for? Well, maybe the Chocolate-A-Month Club membership. Anyone want to share a bar?
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