Sunday, April 08, 2007


Lest I forget, we are staying at The Golden Bear Hotel, conveniently located on the 2 and 5 tram line and within easy walking distance to so many places. Breakfast is provided and with this being Easter, we were given boiled eggs along with our usual fare. The Easter bunny has as much territory to cover as Santa Claus.

Chris and Mark followed us at breakfast, Ron went to church. None of us had plans since we assumed most things would be closed, but we were surprised at how many stores and museums were open.

The boys decided to try the Anne Frank House once again and I waited for Ron to
return before we would meet up with them there. Again, the line was as long as a freight train and they decided not to stand in line waiting. We wandered the little streets in and out window shopping, then plunking down at an outdoor cafe. The sun was shining, but the cool breeze coming off of the canal did chill the bones after an hour.

Being a totally lazy day, we opted for a canal ride. Neither Mark or Chris had done this before, this being Mark's first time in the city. When we arrived at the dock, the next tour was leaving in 20 minutes, so we staked our seats. This was fortunate as the boat filled to capacity. This was my umpteenth time doing this type of tour and I could have provided the narration myself. I did notice things missing from the spiel like the world's most narrow house. After an hour, we were back on the dock and ready for some french fries that the Dutch are so famous for; mine has to have sate sauce.

This evening, we went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. Mark had never been to a Hard Rock and I was delighted to remedy this fault in his social past. Ron and I visit the Hard Rock in every city we happen to be in where there is one and buy a pin to commemorate our trip; it is quite a collection.

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