Friday, September 29, 2006

The Second Coming

Friday morning: We had a guest leaving today, a Peace Corps volunteer in the Ukraine. Wonderful guy and fun to speak with. Ron was cleaning and then went shopping. I had a coffee meet up with a young woman from the U.S. here to do some research. We were meeting at 10:00, but I was home by 11:30. I was doing some cleaning and computer work, neither Ron nor I were paying too much attention to the time and he was still out at the store. At 2:00 with the big hand straight up in the 12 and the little hand assaulting the 2, my mobile rings. It was Gabor to tell me that Istvan the plumber was at our door. As the cliche goes, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Istvan came in and went to work. He said he was going to flood our bathroom. He filled the tub to see if this was the leak. Then he flooded the floor to see if the drain in the middle of the floor was the problem. He was up and down into the neighbor's apartment. He believed that with the quantity of water, the leak should appear almost immediately. Neither one had an effect on the their ceiling. Ron had a brilliant notion to look out of our bathroom window. There is a drain type pipe that starts just below our window and continues down past the neighbor's window. It is rotted in some part. His idea was that the rain water collected in this pipe and leaked into their place. Istvan filled this with water and had a successful epiphany. This seems to be the cause of the problem; he bent the pipe so that rain water could not enter it, thus solving the mystery. The crux of this whole situation is that the pipe does belong to the building, but since we had the work done, it was on us to foot the bill. Three plumbers and one solution for 20,000 Huf. This fries my butt, but at least the situation should be under control and we do not have to deal with nasty SMS's any longer. If this is not it, I am going to blast the people downstairs with the advice that we have done all we are going to do and it is now up to them to pay for diagnostics, something that has not been forthcoming yet.

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