We arrived at 6:30 pm and did not leave until 10:15. We had a great time talking and discussing a plethora of topics. It was wonderful and everyone enjoyed the company. This is more than I can say for the meal. My ribs were fine, Ron said his tasted like they were recooked from a previous time. Not all had ribs, but there were mixed reviews about the different dishes as well. This will all go into the review.
I thought we would be swallowed in the crowd of diners as this always was a very popular place. In addition to our table of 8, there was another table of 4. That was it. All other tables were set with place settings, but empty the entire time we were there. The host told Ron it was due to the long weekend; Tuesday is the feast of St. Stephen. A vocalist playing a guitar took turns between sitting on his performance platform and coming over to serenade us. He seemed to realize our deep discussions were not to be interrupted by his playing, though he had an excellent voice for John Denver songs.
Sunday, Ron and I hit the 3rd district so I could revisit three museums: Varga Imre Kiállitása, Victor Vasarely Museum, and the Kassák Múzeum. We leave Friday for Bologna and San Marino, so I am trying with great tenacity to get as much done as possible before school starts again.
Run, run, run!
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