Monday, June 18, 2007

Up, Up, and Away

No, this is not really me nor am I off on a beach somewhere, but this is a working summer vacation.

You may or may not have noticed that I have not posted for some time. The last time, I was waiting for my contract from Frommer's. In the meanwhile, our friend Earl was here to visit and after he was here for a week, the three of us took off for Rome. Now, normally, I would have blogged all of that trip with pictures, but fearing an unknown B and B, I did not bring my laptop. My instincts were good; the place was miserable.

When we returned home after five days in rainy, chilly Rome, I had a package waiting for me. It was my contract from Frommer's with a current copy of the Budapest book as well as the Europe by Rail book. From that moment on, I have been researching the information. There have been lots of changes in the city since these were written, so I have do make calls, but more time consuming, I am walking the city checking things out. Calling is almost useless since most places either do not answer their phones or if they do, they do not speak English. We have been eating out almost every night and no, we do not get free meals. So far, I have only received a free admission to the Marzipan Museum in Szentendre.

If you do not see me for some time, it is because I am working hard.
Because busy people are given more to do, the Hungarian Fulbright Commission asked me to read and score 4 applications for Hungarians wanting to go to the U.S. on a Fulbright scholarship, the National Association for Multicultural Education asked me to read 7 proposals for their next conference, a former student asked me to sit in on her rescheduled Master's thesis defense exam (she was ill the first time), and three students re-appeared from nowhere to remind me that I am their thesis advisor for the fall.... And I have three new courses to prepare for for the fall semester too.

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